Will I get a job by Tarot Cards

Will I get a job by this year end my name is Harshith Sai Veeraiah and I am a masters student in computer science 
 Tarot Card Genrator

Will I get a job by Tarot Cards Collection

We Live Inside A Dream

In the heart of human experience lies a complex mosaic of emotions, stories, and interconnectedness. ‘We Live Inside a Dream’ draws its inspiration from my mother’s profound experience, which altered her life overnight. Her journey became the catalyst for this project, as I sought to navigate my own thoughts and feelings on illness, adversity, and loss. Rather than simply recounting her story, this project explores aspects of our relationship, emotions, and deeper personal concerns that emerged through this challenge. It captures the vulnerability of the human body and spirit, while also revealing the hidden forces that guide us forward. This exploration serves as a reminder of the unbreakable bonds that connect us and the shared experiences and fates that shape our collective identity.

‘We Live Inside a Dream’ revolves around the idea that life is like a dream—a fleeting, ethereal existence that is just one aspect of a larger narrative. During anesthesia or sedation, patients often enter a state of unconsciousness, experiencing images, thoughts, or memories that echo the fragmented nature of dreams. Life and dreams frequently intertwine, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Just as awakening from a dream prompts us to question the boundaries between the real and the imaginary, this project invites us to contemplate the nature of reality. The images act as mirrors, reflecting elements from the world around us alongside those from the realms of dreams and fantasies. They invite exploration of different aspects of ourselves, capturing our desires, fears, and expectations.

'We Live Inside a Dream' is not a static creation with a defined endpoint. It mirrors life itself, ever-evolving. It commenced at a specific time but continues to evolve, just as the healing process is ongoing. It acknowledges the possibility that life is but one facet of an enigma—a dream that we all share, while simultaneously celebrating the resilience that emerges from adversity, capturing the transformative power of life and the enduring beauty of human nature. Tarot Card Genrator

We Live Inside A Dream In the heart of human experience lies a complex mosaic of emotions, stories, and interconnectedness. ‘We Live Inside a Dream’ draws its inspiration from my mother’s profound experience, which altered her life overnight. Her journey became the catalyst for this project, as I sought to navigate my own thoughts and feelings on illness, adversity, and loss. Rather than simply recounting her story, this project explores aspects of our relationship, emotions, and deeper personal concerns that emerged through this challenge. It captures the vulnerability of the human body and spirit, while also revealing the hidden forces that guide us forward. This exploration serves as a reminder of the unbreakable bonds that connect us and the shared experiences and fates that shape our collective identity. ‘We Live Inside a Dream’ revolves around the idea that life is like a dream—a fleeting, ethereal existence that is just one aspect of a larger narrative. During anesthesia or sedation, patients often enter a state of unconsciousness, experiencing images, thoughts, or memories that echo the fragmented nature of dreams. Life and dreams frequently intertwine, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Just as awakening from a dream prompts us to question the boundaries between the real and the imaginary, this project invites us to contemplate the nature of reality. The images act as mirrors, reflecting elements from the world around us alongside those from the realms of dreams and fantasies. They invite exploration of different aspects of ourselves, capturing our desires, fears, and expectations. 'We Live Inside a Dream' is not a static creation with a defined endpoint. It mirrors life itself, ever-evolving. It commenced at a specific time but continues to evolve, just as the healing process is ongoing. It acknowledges the possibility that life is but one facet of an enigma—a dream that we all share, while simultaneously celebrating the resilience that emerges from adversity, capturing the transformative power of life and the enduring beauty of human nature. Tarot Cards

have a relationship with a person but it's not like a girlfriend or like that I consider her as my mother and she also considered me as her own son but some problems and troubles had happened in between US and suddenly she ignore to me and blocked me on WhatsApp it's being more than 5 months now and I have consultant lot of tarot readers and numerologist for this issue but what are saying different different some message she will unlock me some she will not unblock me some are saying different different time frames but but it was all of my wastage of my money and time and I want a clear cut answer will she will come or unblock me or not and what will be the time frame Tarot Card Genrator

have a relationship with a person but it's not like a girlfriend or like that I consider her as my mother and she also considered me as her own son but some problems and troubles had happened in between US and suddenly she ignore to me and blocked me on WhatsApp it's being more than 5 months now and I have consultant lot of tarot readers and numerologist for this issue but what are saying different different some message she will unlock me some she will not unblock me some are saying different different time frames but but it was all of my wastage of my money and time and I want a clear cut answer will she will come or unblock me or not and what will be the time frame Tarot Cards

have a relationship with a person but it's not like a girlfriend or like that I consider her as my mother and she also considered me as her own son but some problems and troubles had happened in between US and suddenly she ignore to me and blocked me on WhatsApp it's being more than 5 months now and I have consultant lot of tarot readers and numerologist for this issue but what are saying different different some message she will unlock me some she will not unblock me some are saying different different time frames but but it was all of my wastage of my money and time and I want a clear cut answer will she will come or unblock me or not and what will be the time frame Tarot Card Genrator

have a relationship with a person but it's not like a girlfriend or like that I consider her as my mother and she also considered me as her own son but some problems and troubles had happened in between US and suddenly she ignore to me and blocked me on WhatsApp it's being more than 5 months now and I have consultant lot of tarot readers and numerologist for this issue but what are saying different different some message she will unlock me some she will not unblock me some are saying different different time frames but but it was all of my wastage of my money and time and I want a clear cut answer will she will come or unblock me or not and what will be the time frame Tarot Cards

Create a highly detailed and high-resolution reimagining of ‘The Fool’ tarot card. The design should include the number ‘0’ at the top and the title ‘THE FOOL’ at the bottom, as in the original Rider-Waite deck. The scene should feature a youthful figure standing on the edge of a cliff, holding a white rose in one hand and a staff with a sack in the other. A small dog is playfully leaping at his feet. The background should include rugged mountains and a bright sky with a radiant sun in the top-right corner.

Reinterpret the card using a unique artistic style of your choice, such as modern minimalism, dark gothic, or vibrant surrealism. Maintain the intricate details in the tunic’s patterns, the cliff’s texture, and the character’s expression to reflect the chosen style. The final image should blend the traditional symbolism of ‘The Fool’ with a fresh and innovative artistic approach, while ensuring the inclusion of the ‘0’ and ‘THE FOOL’ text in the design. Tarot Card Genrator

Create a highly detailed and high-resolution reimagining of ‘The Fool’ tarot card. The design should include the number ‘0’ at the top and the title ‘THE FOOL’ at the bottom, as in the original Rider-Waite deck. The scene should feature a youthful figure standing on the edge of a cliff, holding a white rose in one hand and a staff with a sack in the other. A small dog is playfully leaping at his feet. The background should include rugged mountains and a bright sky with a radiant sun in the top-right corner. Reinterpret the card using a unique artistic style of your choice, such as modern minimalism, dark gothic, or vibrant surrealism. Maintain the intricate details in the tunic’s patterns, the cliff’s texture, and the character’s expression to reflect the chosen style. The final image should blend the traditional symbolism of ‘The Fool’ with a fresh and innovative artistic approach, while ensuring the inclusion of the ‘0’ and ‘THE FOOL’ text in the design. Tarot Cards

A moon in a sun,and it is next to a star, “The masoncal”,  in the style of TOK a trtcrd, tarot style Tarot Card Genrator

A moon in a sun,and it is next to a star, “The masoncal”, in the style of TOK a trtcrd, tarot style Tarot Cards

full set of cards including card back with name of card in banner in gothic font at bottom and images that are traditional for tarot cards yet sinister, sardonic, witty, and in the style of m. c. escher Tarot Card Genrator

full set of cards including card back with name of card in banner in gothic font at bottom and images that are traditional for tarot cards yet sinister, sardonic, witty, and in the style of m. c. escher Tarot Cards

A moon in a sun,and it is next to a star, “The masoncal”,  in the style of TOK a trtcrd, tarot style Tarot Card Genrator

A moon in a sun,and it is next to a star, “The masoncal”, in the style of TOK a trtcrd, tarot style Tarot Cards

Create a highly detailed and high-resolution reimagining of ‘The Magician’ tarot card. The design should include the number ‘I’ at the top and the title ‘THE MAGICIAN’ at the bottom, as in the original Rider-Waite deck. The scene should depict a figure standing behind a table, holding a wand aloft in his right hand, pointing towards the ground with his left. The figure should have an infinity symbol above his head and wear a red robe over a white garment. On the table, include a cup, a pentacle, a sword, and a wand, symbolizing the four elements. The background should feature a bright yellow sky with a floral arch above and lush greenery below, with white lilies and red roses prominently in the foreground.

Reinterpret the card using a unique artistic style of your choice, such as modern minimalism, dark gothic, or vibrant surrealism. Maintain the intricate details in the character’s expression, clothing, and the objects on the table to reflect the chosen style. The final image should blend the traditional symbolism of ‘The Magician’ with a fresh and innovative artistic approach, while ensuring the inclusion of the ‘I’ and ‘THE MAGICIAN’ text in the design. Tarot Card Genrator

Create a highly detailed and high-resolution reimagining of ‘The Magician’ tarot card. The design should include the number ‘I’ at the top and the title ‘THE MAGICIAN’ at the bottom, as in the original Rider-Waite deck. The scene should depict a figure standing behind a table, holding a wand aloft in his right hand, pointing towards the ground with his left. The figure should have an infinity symbol above his head and wear a red robe over a white garment. On the table, include a cup, a pentacle, a sword, and a wand, symbolizing the four elements. The background should feature a bright yellow sky with a floral arch above and lush greenery below, with white lilies and red roses prominently in the foreground. Reinterpret the card using a unique artistic style of your choice, such as modern minimalism, dark gothic, or vibrant surrealism. Maintain the intricate details in the character’s expression, clothing, and the objects on the table to reflect the chosen style. The final image should blend the traditional symbolism of ‘The Magician’ with a fresh and innovative artistic approach, while ensuring the inclusion of the ‘I’ and ‘THE MAGICIAN’ text in the design. Tarot Cards

A moon in a sun,and it is next to a star, “The masoncal”,  in the style of TOK a trtcrd, tarot style Tarot Card Genrator

A moon in a sun,and it is next to a star, “The masoncal”, in the style of TOK a trtcrd, tarot style Tarot Cards

Rekap Kartu "Eclipsed Will" (Arcana Ultima)

Judul Kartu: Eclipsed Will
Kategori: Arcana Ultima
"Between the known and the unseen, I stand unmoved, for the path ahead is not shaped by knowledge nor ignorance, but by the will to walk it."


Simbolisme Posenya:

1. Pose Berdiri dengan Kaki Kanan di Atas Kursi:

Makna: Melambangkan dominasi kehendak di atas batasan duniawi. Pijakan di kursi menunjukkan keberanian untuk menjadikan fondasi lama sebagai batu loncatan menuju sesuatu yang baru.

Energi Kartu: Keberanian menghadapi tantangan tanpa meninggalkan pijakan yang kokoh.

2. Pose Duduk Menyamping dengan Kedua Kaki di Sisi Kiri Kursi:

Makna: Menggambarkan keseimbangan dan fleksibilitas antara kenyamanan dan tantangan. Sikap duduk yang santai mencerminkan refleksi mendalam sebelum mengambil keputusan besar.

Energi Kartu: Pilihan untuk tetap mengamati dan mempertimbangkan, namun tetap bersiap menghadapi jalan yang belum diketahui.


Simbol-Simbol Visual Utama:

Topeng Tengkorak Serigala dengan Telinga:
Representasi insting primal dan intuisi tajam, memberikan kekuatan untuk mengarungi dunia yang tidak pasti dengan kecerdikan dan keberanian.

Lilin yang Mengarah ke Bulan:
Lilin melambangkan harapan dan kehendak yang tetap menyala, meski diterangi oleh cahaya bulan yang tak sepenuhnya terungkap.

Bulan menjadi simbol ketidakpastian, mimpi, dan rahasia yang tersembunyi, seiring kehendak yang terus menuntun langkah.

Jaket Hitam Modern:
Memberikan sentuhan kontemporer pada kartu, melambangkan relevansi kehendak manusia yang abadi di semua era.


Elemen Narasi Kartu:

Judul Alternatif: Will Unveiled, The Arc of Choice, Fated Resolve

Deskripsi Arcana Ultima:
Kartu ini melampaui dualitas tradisional antara hitam dan putih, benar dan salah, atau yang terlihat dan tersembunyi. Ini adalah kartu tentang melangkah di jalan tengah, menolak pilihan yang diberikan, dan membentuk takdir berdasarkan kehendak sendiri.

 Tarot Card Genrator

Rekap Kartu "Eclipsed Will" (Arcana Ultima) Judul Kartu: Eclipsed Will Kategori: Arcana Ultima Deskripsi: "Between the known and the unseen, I stand unmoved, for the path ahead is not shaped by knowledge nor ignorance, but by the will to walk it." --- Simbolisme Posenya: 1. Pose Berdiri dengan Kaki Kanan di Atas Kursi: Makna: Melambangkan dominasi kehendak di atas batasan duniawi. Pijakan di kursi menunjukkan keberanian untuk menjadikan fondasi lama sebagai batu loncatan menuju sesuatu yang baru. Energi Kartu: Keberanian menghadapi tantangan tanpa meninggalkan pijakan yang kokoh. 2. Pose Duduk Menyamping dengan Kedua Kaki di Sisi Kiri Kursi: Makna: Menggambarkan keseimbangan dan fleksibilitas antara kenyamanan dan tantangan. Sikap duduk yang santai mencerminkan refleksi mendalam sebelum mengambil keputusan besar. Energi Kartu: Pilihan untuk tetap mengamati dan mempertimbangkan, namun tetap bersiap menghadapi jalan yang belum diketahui. --- Simbol-Simbol Visual Utama: Topeng Tengkorak Serigala dengan Telinga: Representasi insting primal dan intuisi tajam, memberikan kekuatan untuk mengarungi dunia yang tidak pasti dengan kecerdikan dan keberanian. Lilin yang Mengarah ke Bulan: Lilin melambangkan harapan dan kehendak yang tetap menyala, meski diterangi oleh cahaya bulan yang tak sepenuhnya terungkap. Bulan: Bulan menjadi simbol ketidakpastian, mimpi, dan rahasia yang tersembunyi, seiring kehendak yang terus menuntun langkah. Jaket Hitam Modern: Memberikan sentuhan kontemporer pada kartu, melambangkan relevansi kehendak manusia yang abadi di semua era. --- Elemen Narasi Kartu: Judul Alternatif: Will Unveiled, The Arc of Choice, Fated Resolve Deskripsi Arcana Ultima: Kartu ini melampaui dualitas tradisional antara hitam dan putih, benar dan salah, atau yang terlihat dan tersembunyi. Ini adalah kartu tentang melangkah di jalan tengah, menolak pilihan yang diberikan, dan membentuk takdir berdasarkan kehendak sendiri. Tarot Cards

Create a highly detailed, majestic depiction of The Emperor Tarrocard in a bold, symbolic style. The Emperor sits upright on a stone throne carved with rams’ heads (symbolizing Aries), wearing ornate golden armor and a red cloak. His stern gaze exudes authority and wisdom. In one hand, he holds a scepter topped with a globe (representing dominion), while the other rests on a shield engraved with an eagle. The background features rugged mountain peaks under a dawn sky, symbolizing stability and ambition. Use rich, warm tones (gold, crimson, deep brown) with dramatic lighting to emphasize power and structure. Incorporate subtle celestial patterns in the throne and faint astrological symbols (Aries constellation) in the sky. Render the scene in a mix of classical oil painting textures and surreal digital art elements to evoke timeless leadership and strategic mastery Tarot Card Genrator

Create a highly detailed, majestic depiction of The Emperor Tarrocard in a bold, symbolic style. The Emperor sits upright on a stone throne carved with rams’ heads (symbolizing Aries), wearing ornate golden armor and a red cloak. His stern gaze exudes authority and wisdom. In one hand, he holds a scepter topped with a globe (representing dominion), while the other rests on a shield engraved with an eagle. The background features rugged mountain peaks under a dawn sky, symbolizing stability and ambition. Use rich, warm tones (gold, crimson, deep brown) with dramatic lighting to emphasize power and structure. Incorporate subtle celestial patterns in the throne and faint astrological symbols (Aries constellation) in the sky. Render the scene in a mix of classical oil painting textures and surreal digital art elements to evoke timeless leadership and strategic mastery Tarot Cards

Create a highly detailed and high-resolution COSMIC reimagining of ‘The Magician’ tarot card. The design should include the number ‘I’ at the top and the title ‘THE MAGICIAN’ at the bottom, as in the original Rider-Waite deck. The scene should depict a figure standing behind a table, holding a wand aloft in his right hand, pointing towards the ground with his left. The figure should have an infinity symbol above his head and wear a red robe over a white garment. On the table, include a cup, a pentacle, a sword, and a wand, symbolizing the four elements. The background should feature a bright yellow sky with a floral arch above and lush greenery below, with white lilies and red roses prominently in the foreground.Reinterpret the card using a unique artistic style of your choice, such as modern minimalism, dark gothic, or vibrant surrealism. Maintain the intricate details in the character’s expression, clothing, and the objects on the table to reflect the chosen style. The final image should blend the traditional symbolism of ‘The Magician’ with a fresh and innovative artistic approach, while ensuring the inclusion of the ‘I’ and ‘THE MAGICIAN’ text in the design. Tarot Card Genrator

Create a highly detailed and high-resolution COSMIC reimagining of ‘The Magician’ tarot card. The design should include the number ‘I’ at the top and the title ‘THE MAGICIAN’ at the bottom, as in the original Rider-Waite deck. The scene should depict a figure standing behind a table, holding a wand aloft in his right hand, pointing towards the ground with his left. The figure should have an infinity symbol above his head and wear a red robe over a white garment. On the table, include a cup, a pentacle, a sword, and a wand, symbolizing the four elements. The background should feature a bright yellow sky with a floral arch above and lush greenery below, with white lilies and red roses prominently in the foreground.Reinterpret the card using a unique artistic style of your choice, such as modern minimalism, dark gothic, or vibrant surrealism. Maintain the intricate details in the character’s expression, clothing, and the objects on the table to reflect the chosen style. The final image should blend the traditional symbolism of ‘The Magician’ with a fresh and innovative artistic approach, while ensuring the inclusion of the ‘I’ and ‘THE MAGICIAN’ text in the design. Tarot Cards